Where is the Opportunity to use Perlite?

Where is the Opportunity to use Perlite?

Where is the Opportunity to use Perlite?

Perlite has been used on a small scale by gardeners for over 50 years for this purpose. However, it was never used on a large scale because the cost of perlite outweighed the benefits, as water costs were still low. Now that water costs are on the rise and the demand for fresh water is ever increasing, perlite becomes a viable option. Over time, as water price increases, perlite may become not just an option but a necessity.

Market price of Perlite at the retail level is about $.75 per pound or about $1500 per ton. Our goal is to provide perlite at a below than wholesale price to large farmers at $130 per ton. With our current perlite reserves of 140 million tons, conservatively assuming