The Quick Pitch

The Quick Pitch

Agriculture uses 70 to 80 percent of water in California.

On Perlite Inc. will provide an affordable solution to increase efficiency of water use by 10 to 20 percent for California agriculture. That is more than 1 trillion gallons of water.

30 million-acre feet of water is used in agriculture every year. 10% savings is 3 million-acre feet of water. If each acre foot of water costs $100, that is $300 million savings in water every year for the State. If each acre foot of water costs $300, that would be $1 billion savings in water every year for the State.

Our mission is to provide a practical, realistic, inexpensive, large-scale method to save water for California farmers, without compromising crop growth. Mass scale use of perlite in agriculture may reduce water usage by 10 to 20 percent on an ongoing basis.